The El Sereno Middle School counseling department strives to promote academic achievement while attending to the social and emotional needs of our students.
The transition years of middle school and early adolescence can bring tremendous growth along with conflicting and shifting emotions. In an effort to meet the needs of our students, the El Sereno Middle School counseling department offers a comprehensive counseling and guidance program that includes:
*Academic advising
*Group and individual counseling
*Conflict mediation
*Career and College Exploration
*Referrals to outside support services
*Collaboration with community resources (Barrio Action, BHS, GRYD, ....)
Guidance activities and services are provided to all students. They are grade appropriate and competency based. They include information, consultation, referrals, and monitoring. The methods of delivering these services are individual conferences and group presentations.
Communication with parents is an integral part of the program.
Students develop a plan to correct academic deficiencies. Students learn appropriate social behavior. Students become aware of their personal talents and strengths.
Our Counseling Office is located in the Main Building right across from the Title-1 Office.
Counselor Caseloads based on grade of student and all service Special Education students:
Ms. Marroquin: 6th Grade [email protected]
Ms. Guzman: 8th Grade [email protected]t
Ms. Ruiz: 7th Grade [email protected]